July 12, 2011

strangers aligned.

blooming at night,
you came here as light,
with full blown technicolor.

at the same time,
as i am walking through,
as i passed you,
the time called me to turn back to you.

you were there.
you were there beautifully.

- he says.


and in this enclosure link,
of both our hands touched.
and little by little,
my love for you grow.

and when the light shines your face,
bright as it is glowing,
your smile it is.

round eyes.
you're beautiful.

- he says.

ordinary day.

all alone,
in my bedroom.
so radical that if i look out the window,
there's not much to show.

so i put your pictures on my wall,
and here again,
i am alone in this ordinary day.

little by little,
i want it all about you.
if you find ask me,
i am not over you.

i want to lie down with you,
as the day seems so dull.
i know,
with you,
my wish came true.

- he says.

July 6, 2011

you're lovely beyond words, trust me, i say so.
soft, undulating, un-frustrating, beautiful smile of yours.
delicate, beautiful.
would you forever be mine?
to have grown with you is so much better than never grown at all.
grow up in love with each other, i mean.

near one of the ocean.

i know these for a fact.

i may not have a beautiful smile,
i may not have a beautiful face,
i may not have a beautiful hairstyle,
i may not have a beautiful body figure you'd crave for.
i may not have beautiful clothes,
i may not have beautiful accessories,
i may not have beautiful things that would amaze you.

but i wish,
you would consider that my love for you is beautiful.

- he says.

return to the list.

listen to me.

i could never change the world for you.
i tried,
but i cant do so.

i tried,
and tried.
there's not a thing that i could change.

but i'd tell you this,
i would make it easier for you to live in.
and the least i did is,
i brought you into my humble world.

- he says.

numbered list.

i honestly don't know how it ends,
but i never want there to be one.

and i thought i saw something,
and i wrote this for you.
just want to tolerate this feeling i have towards you.

i honestly miss you.
i miss writing for you.
and as on the day 365th,
you made me realize something.

and this label we put up upon us two,
and the location of where we stand,
and if we save it now,
and we choose options,
still i want to tell you that you matters the most.

- he says.

plane over my roof.

the worst you can do is, to be the best ever for me.

i wish you were here.

and i wrote this for you,
pleading my joy without you.
you're the paint of grand,
and i am the wall.

you're the singer,
and i am the strings.

you're the coffee,
and i am the cup.

you are strong,
but i am strong as fuck.

without you,
i wonder where i'll be.

- he says.


i promise to hold your hand,
if only you're here.
and i think it's natural,
if you're afraid of the thunder.

afraid not,
i am even afraid of the rain.

but i'll definitely hold you close,
if you're afraid.

- he says.


if you could,
if you would,
if you try,
you would,
you could.

listen to the voices in the crowds,
you'll hear my voice,
screaming i love you.

- he says.

awkward elevator flights.

pardon me for my absence.
never wanted to leave,
as i started to sing this glory.

a fragile hope,
of an approved notations of musical beauty.
dear love,
your love is a verb here in my room.

you are deep in my mind,
in my soul.
and i said to myself it was wrong to treat you bad.
last night you told me it's so wonderful what we had.

and the draft saved at 4.11 am.
i wrote your name in my heart as the second i found you.
holding your hand,
is a dream come true.

- he says.

i am made from the corners from you mouth.

my account,
sign out.


post options,

save now,

i love you.

- he says.


we walk together,
in a park of green.
i rise from the grounds,
stretched my hands so wide.

this feels like i am alive.
thank you.

- he says.

we walk together.

the closeness of strangers,
in a line of people queueing for the movie ticket.
and i survived this crowded area,
of mirrors with no reflections of myself.

therefore i found you.
plucked my heart,
you took my heart with you,
the first time i lay my eyes on you.

and then i realized,
this is what i've been dreaming for.
save now,
save the date,
save the will,
save the fate.

against your beauty,
why would i?
i guess if you would look deep inside me too,
you'd be carefree as i am.

- he says.

moving city lights.

made of dreams and memories.
it is the first time i see you smile.
it is the first time i see you cry.
and i said goodbye to my whole life.

it was worth it.
the new life's beginning.
with you in it,
even though i am still waiting for you in it.

your voice breaks for the second time,
as i stroked apart by gentle and hardness.
this is so beautiful.
i never thought that i'd fall this deep,
into the deep sea of wonderland.

moving city lights,
moving street lights,
moving highway lights,
please believe me that i love you.

it is so easy to say,
but know this,
i always wallow myself in my thinking shoe,
but it's hard to go,
without you.

- he says.